【同义词辨析】 2019-10-21 时尚fashion-rage

fashion: is the most general term and applies to any way of dressing, behaving, writing, or performing that is favored at any one time or place or by any group: the current ~ for Russian ballet dancers.

style: often implies a distinctive fashion adopted by people of wealth or taste: a media mogul used to travelling in ~.  (distinctive独特与众不同独具indicates qualities distinguishing and uncommon and often worthy of recognition or praise值得肯定赞扬,如her distinctive aura of grace and elegance她特有的优雅光环)   (fashion时装style风格的区别是fashion is about the latest offering of the garment industry时装表示服装业的最新产品, whereas style is about what you wear to look good风格表示怎样选择衣服,使人看起来好看,风格style广泛用于做事言语生活等,如江南style指的是首尔江南区富裕时尚豪华奢靡的生活方式,两个词的基础词都是way方式,如I like your style(=I like the way you do things)其实是说,我喜欢你做事的方式)   大亨                                                                                                有权势的人;                                                                莫卧儿人(印度穆斯林,16至19世纪统治印度大部分地区)

mode: suggests the fashion of the moment among those anxious to appear elegant and sophisticated: sleek, tanned bodies are the ~ at such resorts.  (moment时刻一会儿,指短暂的时间段或时间点refers to a minute period or point of time,如a life with only fleeting moments of joy一生中只有短暂的快乐时光,记忆小窍门: 谐音)     sophisticated除了表示复杂先进,还表示见识广或有鉴赏力

vogue: stresses the prevalence or wide acceptance of a fashion: a novelist who is no longer much in ~.  (时尚fashion和时髦vogue的最主要区别是流行的广度范围不同,时尚fashion只涉及少数人,而时髦vogue指已经渗透各个阶层。以持续的时间讲,时髦现象vogue处于风格style与时尚fashion之间。最初表示一个时期杰出人物,出自后汉书"孝顺初立,时髦允集",后来有了现在的意思,表示新颖趋时

fad: suggests caprice in taking up or in dropping a fashion: nothing is more dated than last year's ~.   如a passing fad昙花一现

rage: stresses intense enthusiasm in adopting a fad: Cajun food was quite the ~.  卡津人Cajuns是美国南部路易斯安那法国移民后代,卡津菜风靡美国,特点是乡村菜,料理简单、食材新鲜、大量猪肉和海鲜,主打菜是小龙虾

craze: like rage, emphasizes senseless enthusiasm in pursuing a fad: a sport that is more than a passing ~.

fashion时尚时装: 泛指任何时间地点被任何群体喜爱的某种方式,如着装行为写作表演等,style风格: 指富裕高品味人士所独具的时尚,mode模式: 表示当下的时尚,想显得自己优雅见识广,vogue时髦流行: 强调时尚的广泛流行,fad一时的风尚: 表示兴起衰退都任性无缘无故,因此时间短,rage盛行: 强调人们(对一时风尚)的强烈热情,craze一时盛行: 强调人们对一时风尚的失去理智的热情

记忆方法: 1)首字母FSMVFRC排序成FRM来自,和FSVC方式无常<==时尚

         2)时尚的意思是时兴的衣着装饰生活方式mean the way, as in dressing, decorating, or living, that is accepted by those who want to be up-to-date.     up-to-date现代的最新的modern, most recent,如up-to-date equipment/textbook/technology/clothes最新装备/教科书/技术/时装